Emily Norling: "The process itself is the movie"
– »Megaheartz« is a movie that takes place in the energy just before something breaks, says director Emily Norling.

"The process itself is the movie"

Matilda Arborelius spoke to Emily Norling ahead of the screening of her documentary  »Megaheartz«.

In 2019, Emily Norling won a Guldbagge Award in the Newcomer of the Year category for her documentary »Allt vi äger«. In the new »Megaheartz« she mixes documentary and fantasy through four stories about love.

Tell us about »Megaheartz«, it is described as a hybrid documentary?

– »Megaheartz« is a movie that takes place in the energy just before something breaks. The film starts with a conversation about love and then it continues in a kind of trip report where fantasies and documentary life fragments merge. It is an unpredictable and visually intense story about four main characters who want to start over.

What is the appeal of making documentaries?

– There is something very direct, something here and now, about documentaries. It requires its own process. Working on a documentary is very unpredictable. With this movie, I had no idea where it would end, but the process itself is the movie. It's a lot of fun, but it also requires working with people who are in on it, not knowing where it will end up. That you allow the movie to do its thing, to have its own life. The end result here is a mixture of the very direct and a material that is based on true events but is elevated in some way. My starting point was a mood that I thought about a lot and that I could feel in my body. Then I collected material that felt like that feeling, wrote like that feeling, met people who felt that way and had stories that felt that way. I let that be the driving force and I hope that the end result will be something that really feels in your body, rather than a traditional documentary.

Och hur känns det att få visa den nu på Stockholms filmfestival?

– It had its world premiere in Copenhagen in March and will be shown in New York on November 12. But of course it's something else to show it on its home turf. It will be incredibly fun to release it to the Stockholm audience.

Text: Matilda Arborelius

Ett storslaget drama

Scorsese gör ett storslaget drama tillsammans med De Niro och DiCaprio. Killers of the Flower Moon utspelar sig i 1920-talets Oklahoma och skildrar en serie mord på ursprungsbefolkningen i den oljerika Osage Nation, en rad brutala brott som kom att kallas "Reign of Terror".

Om en älskad trubadurs turbulenta liv

Cornelis Vreeswijk kom till Sverige som fattig invandrarkille från Nederländerna och kom att bli en svensk visikon i klass med Bellman och Taube. Med enorm karisma och scennärvaro sjöng han sig in i svenskarnas hjärtan.  
I hela sitt liv skrev han om de som befinner sig i samhällets bottenskikt. Han såg dem, kände samhörighet och i perioder av sitt liv var han en av dem. Med hjälp av unikt arkivmaterial som aldrig tidigare visats ställer Gertten frågan: Hur ska vi se på alla dem som befinner sig längst nere i samhället? Ska vi vända bort blicken? Det är inte svårt att föreställa sig vad Cornelis själv skulle svarat.


Director: Emily Norling
Duration: 80 min
Language: Swedish
Subtitles: English

When: Face2Face November 17 kl 18.00 at Sture 1

Also shown: November 10 (14.30, Victoria 2) and 19 november (16.00, Zita 1)

Medlemsbiljetter släpps 4 okt kl. 13:00!

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När: 17 oktober kl. 18:30

Var: Rigoletto

Genre: Drama, Thriller

Stort tack till United International Pictures!