An official clarification from Stockholm International Film Festival
An official clarification from Stockholm International Film Festival
An official clarification from Stockholm International Film Festival.
From the bottom of our hearts, we at Stockholm International Film Festival are deeply sorry and take responsibility for the misunderstanding that was communicated to Aleeza Chanowitz and the team behind Chanshi.
It has come to our attention that incorrect information was spread about a cancellation of Chanshi and Aleeza Chanowitz’s attendance due to political viewpoints. This is not correct at all. After the October 7th attacks we offered to arrange a digital Q&A instead. Stockholm International Film Festival always stands behind its films and filmmakers and would never refuse a participating director’s visit, nor cancel the screening of their work for political reasons. We are incredibly sorry about this bad communication that has caused pain for the team, for Israel and for the wider Jewish community.
The screening of Chanshi will go on as planned on November 16th.
Stockholm International Film Festival
Hawke's passion for the art of film has made him a highly respected name in the film industry.
Hawke's journey on the silver screen began as a teenager in the 1980s with his breakthrough role in the film "Dead Poets Society" (1989), where he starred alongside Robin Williams and captured the hearts of the audience. Since then, he has become known for his ability to portray a variety of characters. Some of his most memorable films include the generation-X drama "Reality Bites" (1994) and the intense police thriller "Training Day" (2001). Where Hawke received an Oscar nomination for his role.
Här är onsdagens höjdpunkter:
Faktaruta med knapp om man vill ha det
Sture 3 - 16.30
Filmhuset, Mauritz - 19.00
Zita 1 - 20.00
Saga 1 - 20.45
Vi välkomnar nu filmbidrag från och med idag, den 12 september, och du kan skicka in ditt bidrag genom knappen här nedan!